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Year 1

Mrs J Harris - Teacher

Year 1

Mrs J Harris – Teacher
Mrs L Stewart - TA 

Year 1

Mrs L Stewart – TA 

Welcome to Class 1H

It’s great to see you all back after the summer holidays. This is a thrilling time, starting a new class with new, exciting things to learn and do. We can’t wait to teach you and help you learn and grow.


You will read a story by our class author Oliver Jeffers: There once was a boy and one day a penguin arrives on his doorstep. The boy decides the penguin must be lost and tries to return him. But no one seems to be missing a penguin. So the boy decides to take the penguin home himself, and they set out in his row boat on a journey to the South Pole. But when they get there, the boy discovers that maybe home wasn’t what the penguin was looking for after all.

You will use this wonderful story to inspire to you be creative in your writing and develop your vocabulary.


This term’s units in ‘Power Maths’ are:

Unit 1 counting to 10- you will learn number zero to ten and how to count forwards, backwards in sequence. You will recognise how many each digit is and how to write the name in words.                                 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Unit 2 part-whole within 10- you will learn how to partition a number and what a part, part whole model is.

Unit 3 addition within 10- you will learn how to add numbers by ‘counting on.’


Exciting News! Home reading RWI books will be online for you to read with your adult. You will receive an online login in your reading journal. This will let you open up your reading book that has been selected for you. You will also have a book from school sent home in your reading bag. Please remember to bring in your books daily,


Will be on a Wednesday and Friday alternative afternoons.  Please bring in your kits, with your names inside, and leave them on your peg.


You will be studying a space over time, looking at how the seasons change the environment over the year. How a deciduous trees changes throughout the year because of the weather. You will be learning about Autumn this half term. You will use your enquiry skills to find answers to questions and learn new vocabulary to help you answer and discuss your learning.

You will be introduced to your new class:

Author:  Oliver Jeffers                            
Class artist:  Mondrian    
Class Composers: Vivaldi and Bob Marley

We cannot wait to help you enjoy all the other subjects and help you enjoy all the fun activities you will experience in year 1! 

Please see Autumn overview for a more detail about other subjects.

Mrs Harris – Teacher 
Mrs Stewart – TA                     

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