Parents can find out about our admission arrangements through the local authority by clicking on the links below:
Admissions Policy
Children are admitted to Westvale Primary School in the September of the academic year in which they are five. The school can accommodate a yearly intake to a maximum of 30 children. Where a pupil has a statement of Special Educational Needs and the Authority have named this school as provision, the child must normally be admitted. In the event of applications being in excess of this number then the following criteria will be applied in priority order.
- Children who are looked after by the Local Authority
- Children for whom there are exceptionally strong medical or welfare reasons for admission School
Children with older brothers and sisters still be attending the school when the younger child starts. This will include stepchildren and foster children who are living with the same family at the same address.
The remaining places will be allocated according to the distance between the child’s home and school of the parents’ preference and between home and the nearest alternative school with a place.
Westvale Primary School follows the Local Authority Admission Policy using the above criteria. In the case of applications exceeding the admission number, the LA will allocate places.