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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Our school vision is ‘striving for excellence, caring for all’. We are a caring and inclusive school and have a child-centred approach in everything that we do.

If you have a concern regarding your child, in the first instance please speak with their class teacher.

Our school SENDCo is Mr D. Court; he can be contacted via the school office on 0151 477 8470.

Our designated SEND Governor is Mr J. Gibbons; he can be contacted via the Head Teacher or Chair of Governors.

Please find below a copy of key SEND documents:

Knowsley Local Offer SEND

Knowsley Borough Council can also offer advice and support regarding SEND.

Knowsley Local Offer is available on

Knowsley Family Information Service
Email: [email protected]
Call us:  0151 443 3247

AddVanced Solutions

ADDvanced Solutions Community Network encourages, equips and empowers neuro-diverse children, young people and their families, those with specific learning difficulties, SEN and Disability and associated mental health needs.

They offer face-to-face and online groups, workshops and learning programmes for parent/carers to better understand and support the needs of their child and for the professionals who support them.

Please find their most recent newsletter with events/groups/meetings here:
ADDvanced Solutions Newsletter

Additional Support with SEND

Please find attached lots of QR-codes which when scanned will take you to the relevant page for support and guidance.

The Sensory Hive

The Sensory Hive is a specialist sensory integration therapy centre, based in Whiston, Knowsley. 

It offers sensory gym, immersive and interactive room, occupational therapy, LEGO-based therapy, rebound therapy, hobby clubs as well as infant and child sensory development classes for all of the community. 

Please check out the posters below for more information and how to book:

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