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Year 3 – 3K

Miss S King - Teacher

Class 3K - Year 3 

Miss S King – Teacher
Mrs T Millington - TA

Class 3K - Year 3

Mrs T Millington – TA

Welcome to Year 3!

I hope you have had a lovely summer holiday and are ready for a very busy and exciting half-term. Year 3 is a wonderful year; we have lots of exciting topics to learn about and I know the children will enjoy them. We cannot wait to get started!

This year, our class author is Roald Dahl and we will be exploring lots of his fantastic books throughout year 3. Our class artist is Augusta Savage and our class composer is Taylor Swift.

We will be reading ‘Seal Surfer’ by Michael Foreman. This book tells the story of a boy who bonds with a seal and learns to surf despite his disability. The children will write a letter from the boy to his grandfather, describing the events he missed, promoting descriptive writing, empathy, and emotional expression.

In Year 3 the children are provided with an opportunity to learn how to play the recorder. These lessons will take place on a Monday afternoon, we look forward to showing you what the children have learnt at the end of the Autumn term.

Our PE sessions will take place on Wednesday. The children will participate in 2 hours of PE a week which will consist of netball and hockey for this term. Please ensure your child has their kit in school at this time.

Please check out the Year 3 overview for this term to give an insight of what we will be learning.

Home reading books should be returned by Friday. Please make an effort to read with your child as much as you can. To foster a love of learning we have introduced a class challenge of reading at least 3x per week.

Homework and spelling lists will be assigned on Fridays and should be completed by the following week. Our spellings test will take place each Friday. Children will be provided an opportunity to complete their homework or spellings at break-time every Monday if they need any support.

We will be using the BBC Supermover songs to master our multiplications. This half-term we will be revisiting an learning our 2x, 5x and 3x tables. The videos we use can be found here:

Important dates: Monday 16th September is school photograph day.

                               Friday 27th September is MacMillan Coffee Morning at 9.00am

We are excited about the opportunity to collaborate with you this year, supporting your child as they embark on the first steps of their journey through junior school, striving for excellence and caring for all.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss King and Mrs Millington.

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