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Year 3 – 3K

Miss S King - Teacher

Class 3K - Year 3 

Miss S King – Teacher
Class 3K - Year 3 

Class 3K - Year 3 

Mrs T Millington - TA

Class 3K - Year 3

Mrs T Millington – TA

Welcome back Year 3!

I hope we are all well rested and ready for our last term together in Year 3. We have all worked extremely hard and made fantastic progress.

We are beginning to look at the incredible playscript writing from William Shakespeare. We will begin reading The Merchant of Venice within our English book A Stage Full of Shakespeare Stories. This book allows us to utilize role-play and hot seating which will provide the children with a greater understanding about the play. The children will be writing diary entries, character descriptions, playscripts and information texts. We are excited for our Shakespeare workshop within school on Wednesday 12th June.

The children will be studying time, angles and statistics in our last term, while recapping all of the mathematical topics we have learned throughout the year in our fluency tasks.

The children will be continuing to look at plants, seed dispersal and investigating the inside of a flower in science. Within Geography we will be learning about settlements and land use in our local area.

Please make sure a full PE kit is in for our afternoon lesson on a Tuesday. Within these lessons we will be doing cricket and orienting. Sports day will be held in the afternoon on Wednesday 19th June. I look forward to seeing you all there!

I am looking forward to these last few weeks together and making sure the children are all ready for Year 4.

Thank you for your continued support

Miss King and Mrs Millington

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