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Reception (Foundation 2)

Miss K McIntosh - Teacher

Reception Class

Miss K McIntosh – Teacher
Mrs P Hodgson - TA

Reception Class

Mrs P Hodgson – TA
Miss K Fury - TA

Reception Class

Miss K Fury – TA

Welcome to our Reception Class Page!

The children have settled in beautifully and are doing a fantastic job learning all of the routines and rules.  For the children who are new to Westvale, welcome to our wonderful school.  I truly believe you have given your child the best start in life by choosing Westvale! 

Our topic in Reception this half term is Me and My Family.  The children will be discovering their similarities and differences from one another and what makes them unique.  They will speak about their families and learn about the lives of the other children in their class. We will work hard to ensure your child feels safe and secure to enable them to foster a love of learning and thrive.

The first few weeks of Reception will involve getting to know the children and the children getting to know each other.  In this time, we wlll be conducting the statutory baseline assessment and other communication and language assessments in order to put support in place as soon as possible for those children who need it.

Once the baseline assessments are complete, the children will begin learning to read and write during our Read, Write, Inc phonic sessions.  These sessions begin at 9am so please ensure your child arrives to school on time.  We will be having a phonics workshop for parents to attend in order to support your children with reading and writing – date and time to follow.

Check out the curriculum overview to see what exciting things we have planned this year.  The autumn 1 overview goes into more depth about what outcomes we will be helping your child achieve by October half term.


  • We ask for a snack contribution of £2 per week per child payable every Monday morning. This is to give children a wide variety of choices for snack and to ensure they try as many new tastes and textures as possible.
  • Please send your child into school with their own clearly labelled water bottle, school do not provide or sell water bottles and learning is thirsty work!
  • Please ensure coats, hats, scarves and cardigans or jumpers are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
  • Reading books will go home each evening to be returned to school every day. Please aim to read with your child each evening and comment in their reading records..  Snuggle up before bed and enjoy a story together. 
  • All parents have been emailed a link for Tapestry which is our online learning journal in Nursery and Reception. If you don’t have access please speak to us as we will post all news and updates electronically.
  • PE kits are to be left in school all half term. They will be sent home with the children the week before half term to be washed.
  • Family Friday Reading begins on Friday 20th September at 2.40pm and will run each week.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

The Reception Team

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