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School Uniform

The school has a uniform which we believe encourages and promotes pride in the school and prevents discrimination. All children are expected to wear uniform.

Westvale Uniform:

  • Navy sweatshirt or cardigan
  • White shirt with school tie / white polo shirt in summer
  • Grey skirt 
  • Grey trousers
  • White, grey or black socks
  • Blue and white summer dress

All children to wear black, sensible school shoes – no trainers allowed.
Sweatshirts / cardigans with the school logo may be purchased from Kids Kirkby in the town centre.


For P.E. and activity lessons children need to change into an appropriate set of clothes which can be purchased from the school office.

  • White T shirt with school logo
  • Navy shorts
  • Black plimsolls
  • Tracksuits may be worn for outdoor activities during the winter months

Older children may need extra kit for outdoor games such as trainers or football boots.
All clothing should be labelled and brought to school in a drawstring bag that can be kept on their peg.

The wearing of jewellery including earrings is not allowed for safety and security reasons. Only studs for pierced ears are considered suitable.The school is unable to accept responsibility for any lost items.


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