Reception 21/22 Archive
Children in Need Day 2021
This half term, the Power of Reading focus text is The Naughty Bus by Jan Oke.
Reception have been busy building a bus with the construction resources outside to support their role play. They even got the nursery children involved! Beep beep!
Reception ‘Meet and Greet’ sessions – September 2021
Thank you to all those Parents/Carers who were able to attend the meetings. We hope they were useful for you. At Westvale, we recognise the important role you play in educating your children in partnership with School. Knowing what the children are expected to learn and be able to do during Reception year is an important part of that process.
It’s been lovely getting to know the children (and yourselves!) over the past few weeks, and we thank you for the help you’ve given in starting your child’s Reception journey.
Looking forward to a happy and successful year ahead,
Miss Fealey and the Reception team.
Meet and Greet sessions – September 2021
Nursery and Reception have been exploring our new enhanced outdoor area.
Nursery and Reception have been exploring our new enhanced outdoor area.