Thursday 19th March 2020 Announcement
Dear Parents / Carers
As you will be aware, Coronavirus is a rapidly changing situation and we have been working with the Department for Education, Public Health England and Knowsley Council to plan for such a pandemic.
As per the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday we have been directed to close schools for most children. We are prepared and ready to respond to this challenge.
We are writing to inform you that Westvale Primary school will close on Friday 20th March at normal times and remain closed until further notice. Parents should check our school website for any new updates.
If pupils are currently absent from school, work will be available for collection at the school office between 2-3pm Friday 20th March / or if they are in school, will be sent home with work packs today . The work pack and links provided are for a fortnight and then updates will be provided on class pages on our website.
As advised by the government, we will do all we can to stay open from Monday 23rd March for the children of key workers (e.g. NHS staff, police, others in frontline services) and children with an EHCP or a social worker who we will contact separately. We ask that you contact school if you are a keyworker and require this provision. School will ask you for further information about your role. School will ask you for further details about your requirements –eg. if you need the place all week for example.
We encourage you and your children to continue to follow Public Health England advice on keeping yourselves safe. Updated information can be found here :
Pupils who are eligible for free school meals will have their lunches provided for them. Further information about this will be communicated to these families in due course.
If you have energy difficulties, the Government has announced that energy suppliers won’t shut people off and families should contact their supplier in the first instance.
Thank you, as always, for your continued support and understanding in this matter. Take care.
Angela Afflick
Westvale Primary
Click here for further information and support
Click here for School closure resource packs