Y2 making Diya lamps
Y2 creating our own Diya lamps. In RE we are learning how Diya lamps are lit during Diwali festival to represent the triumph of light over dark and good over evil.
Y2 creating our own Diya lamps. In RE we are learning how Diya lamps are lit during Diwali festival to represent the triumph of light over dark and good over evil.
‘Striving for Excellence, Caring for All’
A very warm welcome is extended to you and your child from Westvale Community Primary School. We are privileged to share with you, for a time, the life and development of your child, and look forward to celebrating those very special moments in a child’s life, as they learn and develop their own individual abilities and characteristics.
This is a happy vibrant school where all children are given the opportunity to learn in a caring and stimulating environment. We have excellent facilities and we aim to give your child the best opportunity to reach their full potential and develop into a well-rounded individual. Our school motto ‘Striving for Excellence, Caring for All’ is an integral part of every school day.
We believe it is important that, as a parent or guardian, you feel welcome in the school. Education is a partnership between home and school with a shared responsibility based on trust and mutual understanding. The co-operation and participation of parents with our school in the education of your child is positively encouraged. We hope that you will feel confident in approaching us at school with any questions or worries you may have.
Angela Afflick