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Year 2 – 2G

Miss K Ginley - Teacher

Class 2G - Year 2

Miss K Ginley – Teacher
Mrs  M Wright - TA

Class 2G - Year 2

Mrs  M Wright – TA

Welcome back Year 2!

I hope you had a fantastic Easter half term and are returning refreshed and ready for a warmer term filled with lots of learning and fun. I cannot believe we are two thirds of the way through year 2 already. The children have come back looking super grown up and smart in their summer uniforms, please ensure children have the correct uniform and suitable black shoes on every day. This term we will be preparing for our SATs, although SATs are now non-compulsory, we will still administer these assessments as we would the end of Year tests.

The Last Wolf by Mini Grey is our English book for this half term and takes on a modern-day twist of the original tale of Little Red Riding Hood. It is filled with quirky humour which I know our class will love and enjoy, I am excited to see some fantastic writing from the children.

In guided reading we are focussing on building on the skills of prediction, clarifying vocabulary and retrieving in our new book Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl. The children have already enjoyed the first few pages of this and are eager to read more after each session.

In Year 2, we are continuing to group the children through the RWI assessment which identifies their known sound knowledge and their fluency and ensures that children are receiving adapted learning to enhance their individual needs.

In Maths we are building on our knowledge of fractions and time. We will also be learning how to solve problems and do so, using efficient methods. Please continue to work on 2s,5s,10s times tables. We are focussing on multiplication and division facts for the 2- and 10-times tables- I am loving the children bringing me their times table work at home. Don’t forget the children have their TTRockstars login it is inside their reading journal, if children do not have one, please ask and I will get it to you. I check these weekly for a class winner with the most points. We explicitly teach time in year 2, but it is definitely a unit that lends itself to home and the more you ask them to tell the time at home the more it with embed what they are learning in class.

Within our science topic we will be looking at growing seeds and bulbs, the children will be planting seeds recording changes over time. It will be nice to utilise our wonderful outdoor areas as the weather warms up and we can take our learning outside more.

The children are so excited for History this term, we have a class full of historians who love to investigate and explore evidence to find clues. I’ve had some wonderful fact files and posters about Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell, the children will be finding out who they are, why they are important and why they became significant.

Important information

  • PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays, ensure full kit is in school it should be clearly labelled.
  • Children must have a water bottle in school every day especially as the weather getting hotter.
  • Book bags must be brought in school daily, try to read at home every day just a few pages to build their fluency. It is vital that children are reading at home and bringing their book bag in every day to ensure that we can read with the children.
  • Children receive milk and fruit for morning break, but they may bring in a healthy snack if they would prefer their own.
  • Parents afternoon will be Tuesday 21st May 2024 – school will close at 13.15pm and the usual creche service will be available until 15.15pm.
  • Phonics begins at 9am, children must be in school on time, if they are late, they will be missing their sound of the day. Coming into school late can leave the children feeling very worried and anxious, ensure they are in school for 8.50am. The gates open at 8.45am.


Thank you, as always for your continued support. If you have any worries or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the Y2 team. We are always happy to help.

Miss Ginley and Mrs. Wright




News from Year 2

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